Through iridology, I study markings and colors in the iris of the eye and their correlations with genetic weaknesses are revealed.

Iridology Eye Reading

What is Iridology?

Iridology is a way to “look inside” the body. It does not diagnose, but it can be of great value in understanding your health, your genetic weaknesses and your constitution. Each eye contains a map of the human body.


Iridology is the practice of analyzing the eyes of a person to determine the state of their health at present and address future possible risks before they happen.The iris shows the stages of inflammation, inherent weaknesses, toxic materials, mineral deficiencies, drug deposits, parasites, mechanical processes such as the prolapsus of the transverse colon.

How It Works

The iris shows the stages of inflammation, inherent weaknesses, toxic materials, mineral deficiencies, drug deposits, parasites, mechanical processes such as the prolapsus of the transverse colon. The iris reveals what is wrong and where it is wrong. The reading of the iris gives enough information to intervene nutritionally, or through other alternative protocols.

Putting The Information To Work

Raw and Well then provides nutritional, herbal and lifestyle guidance. Based on your specific reading and/or session, a protocol is developed specifically tailored to meet your needs and goals.

“There is an art to detoxification. The end goal, ALWAYS, is the regeneration of tissue in the human body and the restoring and improving of the condition of the cell and the fluid that takes care of it.”

Dr. Robert Morse, N.D., D.Sc., I.D., M.H.,
Degreed in Naturopathy, Naturopathic Medicine, Biochemistry, Iridology, Herbology, Nutrition, and Fitness.
Dr. Robert Morse
Dr. Morse is one of the greatest healers of our time

Regenerative Detoxification Specialist

By cleansing and releasing your body of stored waste and obstructions, your body can work efficiently, heal itself itself and restore your health. Don’t do it yourself!

This technique consists of dietary changes, nutritive herbs, and the assistance of a trained Regenerative Detoxification Specialist.

Vanda Maria has studied and worked with Dr. Morse helping clients reach their health goals.

Vanda Maria Dr. Morse

Benefits of a Detox

Subtle Benefits

I Can Help!

A new you is only a phone call or email away. You can’t begin to transform your body if you don’t take that first step. I am here to help you. Don’t hesitate to contact your Detox Specialist today so we can discuss your goals and begin cleansing and healing your body.

Vanda Maria Detox Seecialist